Understanding the environmental impact of different products and services is extremely important. Many services we use also leave a negative impact on the planet. In this article, you will learn about the environmental effects of traditional remediation services.

Non-Biodegradable and Toxic Chemicals
Traditional remediation services use products that are non-biodegradable and contain toxic chemicals. These chemicals take a long time to go away, which allows them to pollute the air and water easily. Depending on how strong they are, these chemicals can get into the food chain and can potentially harm humans. According to reports made in 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow, or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home. This is the best reason to start using natural cleaning solutions. They are made from the earth, so there is no potential of any of this happening with them.
What Can We Do?
Instead of causing a negative environmental impact, we need to be using natural cleaning solutions. There are many alternatives to traditional cleaning products. Below are a few popular cleaning products and some natural cleaning solutions that are better for you and the environment.
- Formaldehyde- High doses of formaldehyde can irritate throats, eyes, ears, and the nose if inhaled. Concentrated levels indoors can also be flammable.
- Ammonia- Ammonia can cause lung damage, blindness, and death. Just ingesting a small amount will cause the throat to feel like it’s burning. The chemical itself is natural; the body uses ammonia to make proteins and other molecules. But in large artificial doses, it poses a real threat.
- Sodium Lauryl Sulphate- Exposure to this chemical can cause immunological problems including cancer, while a small exposure may cause skin, hair, and eye damage.
- White Vinegar- When mixed with warm water (or tea tree oil, if you prefer), this white vinegar homemade mixture can be used to clean almost any surface.
- Lemons- Just like with vinegar, lemon juice mixed with warm water will clean surfaces and objects. The leftover halves of a lemon are also good for getting rid of bad smells.
Now you know the environmental impact of traditional remediation services. Remember, however, that they are non-biodegradable and contain toxic chemicals. Also, these chemicals can infest the food chain and cause serious health problems for humans. Also, remember that there are significant alternatives to traditional cleaning products such as white vinegar and lemons. Environmental impact is an important thing everyone needs to be aware of. Knowing what traditional chemicals do to the earth can help you make better choices for you, your family, and the entire planet.